Saturday, December 20, 2008


Tonight I'm working on a tag cloud based upon the number of db entries for terms. I use row variables, add them up for each row, sort in ascending order. Then I display the top ten terms inside a panel with label.Font.Size = value for each one's row. So I get size relevancy to the number of times a term was searched. In the future I will have to come up with a scaling factor because I can't have 567 point text.

I actually had to use a decrement in the for loop because I was "rolling down the stack" to make room for the newest highest searched entries.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Last Night

Last night I was working on the parse portion of the search engine. I'm getting rid of words like "and" "or" and "the". I don't need them, yet, for searches. I was also getting bad results because I was not looking at URLs when there was no second term in the search query. Basically I forgot to use "" instead of null, so things got messed up.